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      Open subtree Census
      (97 items, 1518 pages)


You searched for all of the words: occupations of persons 1901
Interpreted as: occupations AND persons AND 1901
The following common or short word was ignored: of
Closed sections tree 1 page Report, Ireland, 1841
Closed sections tree 3 pages Population tables II, Vol. I. England and Wales. Divisions I-VI, 1851
Closed sections tree 1 page Population tables II, Vol. I. England and Wales. Divisions VII-XI. Scotland. Islands, 1851
Closed sections tree 3 pages General report, Ireland, 1851
Closed sections tree 2 pages Population tables, Scotland, Vol. II, 1871
Closed sections tree 4 pages Population, England and Wales. Vol. III. Age, marriage, occupation, birth-place, 1881
Closed sections tree 3 pages Population. Age, marriage, occupation, birth-place, England and Wales, Vol. III, 1891
Closed sections tree 3 pages County of Berkshire, 1901
Closed sections tree 3 pages County of Cambridge, 1901
Closed sections tree 3 pages County of Chester, 1901